Vic’s Mancronysms
🛠 Mancronyms 🛠 These are some of the acronyms and checklists I created to help the men I coach. I’m happy to share them with you …
🛠 Mancronyms 🛠 These are some of the acronyms and checklists I created to help the men I coach. I’m happy to share them with you …
I’m Not Patient! I have to admit I have no patience. I am to patience what German engineers are to standup comedy. I simply cannot …
– Lose some weight, not your mind – As the great American philosopher Forrest Gump said so eloquently: “Life is like a box of chocolate. …
Yin and Yang Thai cuisine is well known for its subtle flavors, always based on various sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy ingredients artfully combined …
The Common Sense Diet One of the most common goals people set is weight loss. Because we are not as physically active as were our …